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dosent work


why are there so many differences
u cant shoot vanman
u cant shoot mrbeast
raldi dies for 10 seconds longer (not supposed to happen)
the item bar is moved a bit to the bottom
the credits for the lap 3 song appear when ur in lap 3 and not when u enter lap 3
u can enable instant debug (not in original v1.3)
the monke moddifier in debug actually works (it doesnt in original v1.3)
there are probably more that i forgot, anw sound brought original v1.3 back so play it instead

im not actually sure if u cant shoot mrbeast

make one for Mac pls

i didnt made the game

yeah nah I already got it XD got crossover already I was joking with ya XDDDD

I just does not work. 

Why does the controls for neil phase 2 have to be WASD I want my own controls for phase 2

git gud


why is the mod menu not working when i unzip it


boss fight win you mod menu

bro how the actual fuck do I enable it when im in the pause menu HOW DO I FUCKING ENABLE THE MOD MENU UREJDIFHWEJSUHJVENDJNS

just click tab

also why a glock dont work then shoot mrbeast and vanman


u need hammer to get out vanman and if u steal mrbeast credit card and mrbeast finds out u stole his credit card then u can shoot him

but i want to use glock and shoot vanma

shoot him while playing jumprope and he'll say "Why TF did you just break my tires"

+ i try stole mrbeast credit card and still didn't work

even second chance didn't work

i didnt made the game sound made it if u want ask the original creator here

sp4ak3rhd why crackpipe is not become infinity

i dont know i dont own the game


it least it have more to play the game fun :)

since this is very old


can you post me mod menu for raldi's crackhouse mod menu by Sound link i wanna test that one

At least we have the 1.3

Deleted 253 days ago

no way scoutt is that you!!!????

no im fake